Womens Rugby

Women’s Rugby Representative: Evie Adams

Email: 74565@gmp.pnn.police.uk


The Greater Manchester Police: Women’s Rugby Team is open to all players regardless of ability or experience.

It is a great way to keep fit and perhaps pick up a sport you have previously left for whatever reason or never even thought of playing before.
This Team is a safe and inclusive environment for all members.


Our Sport:

Social Members: We aim also meet social regularly as well to watch women’s rugby.

League: The season starts around March-April time every year, we encourage you to join the rest of the year and train, so you know the rest of the team socially.

Union: The season starts around September -October time every year, we encourage you to join the rest of the year and train, so you know the rest of the team socially.

Rugby 7s: This summer fun rugby is a variant of rugby union in which teams are made up of seven players playing seven-minute halves, instead of the usual 15 players playing 40-minute halves. We aim to enter weekend competitions.

Tag Rugby: All Year Round Fun open to all. This is inclusive and we encourage all activity levels to ‘give tag rugby a go’.


Anyone interested in playing or being part of our rugby family, please contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Greater Manchester Police Sports & Social Club Ltd. - The Hough End Centre, Mauldeth Road West, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SX, Fax: 0161 862 9122

For a full list of contact details please visit the contact page.